Biggin C of E Primary School

Achieve Believe Care

Curriculum Committee


Committee Members

Mr Peter Edge (Chair)

Miss T Nicholls (Head)

Mrs Anne Bunting

Mrs Jan Page

Mrs Julia Hewgill

Mr M Leslie


Terms of reference:


  • To consider and advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the School’s Curriculum Policy
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body
  • To make arrangements for the Governing Body to be represented at School Improvement discussions with the LA and for reports to be received by the Governing Body
  • To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, eg SEN, Literacy, Numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and advise the Governing Body.
  • To oversee arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-ordinator
  • To determine curriculum development priorities
  • To review all policies related to the curriculum
  • To monitor the Behaviour, SEN, Sex Education, Equalities and Collective Worship policies through reports from the Headteacher
  • To recommend changes to the Home/School agreement
  • Additional items which individual Governing Bodies may wish to include





Work of the Committee 2017 - 18

The committee met in January ......... Members discussed the annual reports on Behaviour, SEND, Sex and Relationships Education, Equalities and  Collective Worship.

The members looked at updates to the school website.

They recommended the adoption (or re-adoption following minor changes) of these policies:

SRE update, RE, Anti-Bullying; .

They received reports from the Headteacher on the impact of Pupil Premium expenditure and discussed implications of increased PE/Sports funding.  The PE Governor received a copy of the report on PE expenditure published on this website.

They discussed the questionnaire which informed the Accessibility/Disability Equality Scheme.