Biggin C of E Primary School

Achieve Believe Care

Take learning in your hands, do not let her go: keep her, for she is your life. (Proverbs 4:13)


Our Vision Statement 

Biggin C of E Primary School will stand at the heart of the community as a nurturing and encouraging environment where all can develop a passion for life and learning to become confident, courageous and respectful citizens flourishing in their hopes and aspirations.

Ethos Statement

We strive to create a place of learning at the centre of the community where all can flourish and everyone's unique skills and talents can be celebrated. We will preserve and develop the school's character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England working in partnership with the community, parish church and diocese to deliver the highest quality education within the context of Christian belief and practice.

We will encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christian values, as well as the importance of developing spirituality and faith, through the experiences we offer to children at our school. We will encourage all to live and learn together with respect, tolerance and kindness.

Our school motto is Achieve, Believe, Care

Achieve means achieve your best in all aspects of life - learning, friendships, activities, opportunities, attitudes, for yourself as an individual and as part of your school, family and community.


Believe means believe in yourself and what you can achieve through working individually as part of a team, family or community. Develop a positive attitude and growth mindset. Develop your own spiritual beliefs and respect those of others.


Care means look after and protect what we have for ourselves and for others - our health and wellbeing, our families and friends, our school, our local community and the environment.

We value:

    • Learning without the fear of making mistakes.

    • The achievements of all.

    • A happy, caring, sharing, secure school.

    • Building confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing.

    • Respect for one another and the opportunity to share one another’s views.

    • Our Christian foundation and ethos.

    • Our environment and community.

    • Education as the foundation for life.

    • Life-long learning to continue to grow.
    • The privileges of a small school including friendships and being known.

Our rules for a school where we can be happy, kind and joyful!


  • Be ready to learn
  • Follow instructions straight away
  • Have a go at new things


  •  Listen to others
  • Use kind words and voices
  • Care for and share school resources


  • Stay where the teacher can see you
  • Move safely around school
  • Be kind – don’t hurt others


Character Virtues

We work together to learn how to act with:













Our character education includes opportunities to reflect and offer service to others. It is upheld in our Christian values and British Values of 

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.