Biggin C of E Primary School

Achieve Believe Care

Church links


The church of St Thomas is in the village of Biggin and is our 'Mother' church.  Miss Kay Clayton is our Foundation Governor and helps with Schools Together, a joint initiative with St Giles Parish Church and Hartington C of E Primary School.

Children attend a service at the end of each half term and also special services throughout the year, including Harvest, Christmas and Easter. The children are actively involved through singing, creating the readings, drama and making decorations. Families and the community are always invited to attend. Please see the school newsletter for details of services in school and in church. Please see the 'News and Views' for other service times as these alter throughout the calendar.


School also enjoys collective worship led by Hannah Wills from MAST and Beryl and Ray's Puppet Assembly. All are welcome to attend these special assemblies. Again, please see the school newsletter for details.


Our Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) took place on Thursday 18th May 2017. We are pleased to say that the inspector David Wood judged the school 'Good', please click here to see the report.