Home Learning
The Department for Education has launched a website regarding Education catch up. You can access it here
Please contact school to arrange to change your child's reading books. Ring 01298 84279.
For safeguarding and advice please see the Information for Parents page on the drop down menu.
Parents were emailed work for children to complete from Tuesday, 5th January - Friday, 8th January 2021.
Here is the first week's Key Stage 1 and Reception Learning for week commencing 11.01.2021
Reception Remote Learning 11.01.2021
Year 2 & 3 Remote Learning 11.01.2021
Parents will receive an email containing the weekly Topic Sheet by 9.00am on Monday mornings.
Please contact school if you have any problems receiving this.
Paper resources will be delivered, posted or may be collected from school by arrangement.
Our main platform for Key Stage 2 Remote Learning Purple Mash
All children have been given log -in details for the secure Biggin C of E Primary School platform on this site.
Tasks are set daily for each child using their Purple Mash email and the Shared Blog. Please contact school straight away if your child has difficulties accessing this.
If you have any difficulty accessing remote online learning in any way please contact headteacher@biggin.derbyshire.sch.uk.
In addition to this staff may be contacted on the following emails:
Miss Nicholls tnicholls@biggin.derbyshire.sch.uk
Mrs Mansfield smansfield@biggin.derbyshire.sch.uk
Mrs Wotton dwotton@biggin.derbyshire.sch.uk
Mrs Miles amanda.miles@biggin.derbyshire.sch.uk
Click on the links to hear a lovely story!
You're Snug with Me read by the author
North - The Greatest Animal Journey
Our Remote Learning Plan will provide a full timetable of curriculum-based learning for your child each day.
However here is an additional list of useful sites that you and your children may wish to access:
This is a national initiative with 180 lessons across all age ranges each week plus suggested schedules for learning and other resources.
This is a simple comprehensive website which you can follow day by day. Select the year group you require, watch the short video and complete the activities. Please note, our Maths learning follows the White Rose Curriculum and links will be sent for each day's learning.
A trusted source of learning resources including free ebooks and an especially wide range of English resources.
Access a wide range of free resources and activities across the curriculum, including information for parents.
A superb range of programmes broadcast daily including phonics - choose the Primary selection.
Free audio books for children - a massive range and all the classics.
Accelerated Reader is the reading resource we normally use in school. Children have their own log in details and can access books online, books from home and take quizzes.
The Department for Education have also created a list of high quality resources accessible from home.