Biggin C of E Primary School

Achieve Believe Care

Teaching and Learning Committee


Committee Members

Mrs Jan Page (Chair)

Miss T Nicholls (Head)

Mrs Vicky Salt

Mrs Julia Hewgill

Mrs Natalie Stanley


Terms of reference:


  • To consider and advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the School’s Curriculum Policy
  • To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body
  • To make arrangements for the Governing Body to be represented at School Improvement discussions with the LA and for reports to be received by the Governing Body
  • To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, eg SEN, Literacy, Numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and advise the Governing Body.
  • To oversee arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-ordinator
  • To determine curriculum development priorities
  • To review all policies related to the curriculum
  • To monitor the Behaviour, SEN, Sex Education, Equalities and Collective Worship policies through reports from the Headteacher
  • To recommend changes to the Home/School agreement
  • Additional items which individual Governing Bodies may wish to include